Jan 19, 2022
Dr. Sabrina Starling, The Business Psychologist® and international best-selling author of the How to Hire the Best series and the 4 Week Vacation®, is the founder of Tap the Potential and co-host of the Profit by Design Podcast. At Tap the Potential, we work to free business owners from the constant demands of a growing business. We believe work supports life, not the other way around. Clients in our Better Business, Better LifeTM coaching program have more time and more money than they've ever had. Next, we send them off on a 4 Week Vacation® to celebrate their hard-earned journey to take their life back!
Dr. Sabrina and her team at Tap the Potential are on a mission to change the story of entrepreneurship from one of long hours, grinding it out, to that of sustainably profitable businesses that support and enhance life. The Tap the Potential SolutionTM and our Tap the Potential Family of Business Owners are disrupting small business as usual. We are on our way to making the Tap the Potential Solution the mainstream model for growing business. In many entrepreneurial circles, it is becoming more and more common for one entrepreneur to ask another, “Have you taken a 4 Week Vacation®?” (as opposed to asking “How many employees do you have? What is your annual revenue?). Taking a 4 Week Vacation® is rapidly becoming the recognized symbol of entrepreneurial success.
Never one to accept the status quo or back down from a challenge, Dr. Sabrina’s How to Hire the Best series grew from her desire to solve the toughest hiring challenges interfering with her clients’ growth and profitability. What sprang from her experience working with entrepreneurs in rural areas catapulted her into becoming the world’s leading expert in attracting top talent in small businesses—no matter what hiring challenges those businesses are facing—and earned Tap the Potential’s reputation as the go-to resource for entrepreneurs committed to creating Great Places to Work with thriving coaching cultures and highly engaged team members working from strengths.
As The Business Psychologist® and with her years of driving profit in small businesses, Dr. Sabrina knows what it takes to find, keep, and motivate exceptional performance out of your biggest investment— team members.
FUN FACT: Dr. Sabrina was the first Profit First Professional and Pumpkin Plan Your Biz Strategist. Tap the Potential is a Profit First Mastery Firm. At Tap the Potential, we are Pumpkin Plan Your Biz certified, and we are Founding Fixers for Fix This Next.
Website: https://www.tapthepotential.com/
Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/SabrinaStarlingTTP
TTP Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/tapthepotential
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